Do you smudge?

I have been venturing carefully into a new realm for me and trying to learn more about essential oils, crystals, aromatherapy, smudging, etc. All this in an effort to be more mindful and bring awareness to my body and my space. Work, travel, and constantly being on the go leaves less time for meditation, mindfulness, and the like. Sometimes, when I return home from a trip, I can feel very disconnected to a space, and it's hard or sad to re-enter "normal life."

For my birthday, my lovely friend gifted me this book on clearing spaces along with a "starter pack" of items to help me on my journey. This is all very new territory for me and I'm excited to read and learn more about it. My hope is that these practices will make me more connected to my environment and help heal and center anything that might be out of touch. If you have any advice, practices, comments, or suggestions. Please reach out and message me. I will be back to update this post with more on how everything went down once I read up and get my smudge on.